Crowcon - Detecting Gas Saving Lives
08 March 2023
International Women’s Day 2023
Georgia Pratt
Marketing Executive

For 2023 the theme of International Women’s Day is to Embrace Equity. This theme recognises that equal is not enough. To be fully included and be their best selves at work women (same as anyone) need equitable approach that accounts for their individual needs. This International Women’s Day we are celebrating the wonderful women in Crowcon who play an integral role in the operation and success of Crowcon.  

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Debbie Murphy, I am one of our Team Leaders within production at Crowcon. I have been at Crowcon for 20 years, beginning at their previous site and now at HQ in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. I started working for Crowcon in 1990 as a production operative, working my way to team leader. I then moved into export sales, and then became a production controller. I left this role to have a baby and did part time jobs that worked around being a mum. When my son turned 12 years old, I returned to Crowcon where I started as a team leader. 

 My name is Chuxin Wang, I am a Marketing Specialist for Crowcon China. I joined Crowcon China in July 2021 and have been instrumental in enhancing our brand awareness in China across social media channels and through email campaigns.  

 My name is Louise Laing I am a native of Scotland, United Kingdom, but have lived in Michigan, United States, since 2012. I joined Crowcon in April 2020 as the Vice President of Sales, responsible for developing and enacting strategies for business development at Crowcon Detection Instruments Ltd, North America division. 

What is your proudest achievement whilst working at Crowcon? 

DM: My proudest moment at Crowcon was winning the manufacturing Champions award 2018 through the work I did within a team of all men. This work was part of a course we did for Lean manufacturing of which I gained a level 3 qualification. 

CW: It must be rebuilding Crowcon China online platforms, like: WeChat, TikTok, website, Jingdong and so on. 

LL: My proudest achievement was launching the go to market strategy in the HVAC and Plumbing market in North America with the unknown combustion analyzer brand “Crowcon”. Focusing on the northeast of America. F.W. Webb the biggest distributor awarded Crowcon as the first company ever to sell enough to their branches in four months to be able to supply to their Washington, D.C warehouse. 

How do you influence your colleagues around you and the wider business? 

DM: I encourage my team by being approachable and supportive.  I am known for speaking my mind and fighting for what I think is right, doesn’t always make a difference but I fight anyway. 

 CW: My personal personality. I like smiling and I treat everything in a positive way. 

 LL: I work closely with my team by creating a can-do environment and let’s make it happen attitude. I enjoy working with my colleagues in the UK who I have great respect for. 

Is there anyone that inspires you in your career? 

DM: The person that inspires me at work is a man, my boss but he treats me as an equal and encourages me to be the best I can. 

 CW: Yes, My superior Mike Liu. He helps me a lot.  

 LL: I was inspired by Alex Ferguson who managed Manchester United and Aberdeen football teams with great success. I took away the work ethic expectations and make it happen environment. No excuses. 

Why do you think diversity in the workplace is so important? 

DM: Diversity in the workplace is important because we need to continue to break down the barriers of how we perceive people. We all have our different strengths, and this should be encouraged no matter what. 

 CW: It will help people enhance work motivation and job satisfaction, improve their work efficiency. 

LL: I feel it is important to have a diverse team with different views and perspectives which ensures a thorough thought process in making decisions and makes a better creative and innovative team. 

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day? 

DM: It is important to celebrate women’s day because we have come a long way and fought hard to prove our worth and continue to do so. 

CW: Yes, I do think it is so important. Not only women’s contribution to world development, but also for the women’s labour rights. 

 LL: My grandmother was a suffragette, who sacrificed a lot as a single mother with 12 children to fight for women’s rights, therefore, it is important for me to celebrate International Women’s Day.  

If you could have dinner with three inspirational women, dead or alive, who would they be and why? 

DM: Sharon Stone, I recently read her book and she has been through so much and experienced a lot of bad things in her life, but every time she came out fighting. She never let anything beat her even though at times she felt broken, she always managed to find a way to cope and fight. My second would be Amelia Earhart, she was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic along with much more, she proved people wrong.  She lived life to the full and defied all opinions of what a woman couldn’t do. The third inspirational woman would be Harriet Tubman, she was born into slavery and managed to escape but instead of settling in her new life she returned to rescue her family. She also led a further 13 missions and rescued around 70 more slaves, she didn’t stop there though. During the civil war she took part in armed expeditions and helped liberate around 700 slaves.   

CW: Iris Chang was a Chinese American journalist, author of historical books and political activist. Her latest, widely acclaimed book focuses on Chinese immigrants and their descendants in the United States; their sacrifices, their achievements and their contributions to the fabric of American culture, an epic journey spanning more than 150 years. 

LL: My grandmother who I never met but know a lot about, she owned all the paper stands on Princess Street in Edinburgh. She fought for women’s rights and lectured on the mound in Edinburgh on the true meaning of Marxism; she was inspiring to many women in Edinburgh over many years. My second would Malala Yousafzai as her courage to advocate for girls education despite serious risk to her life, I would love to ask her loads of questions. Finally Maya Angelou is inspirational with her poems and facts. A favourite of mine is “I love to see young girls go out and grab the world by the lapels.” 

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