Crowcon - Detecting Gas Saving Lives

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Advancing Safety: Technology Evaluation for best Early Detection of Off-Gassing in Lithium-Ion Batteries

At present, when it comes to safety surrounding lithium-ion batteries, the emphasis from across the industry and amongst insurance companies is on fire detection. In this whitepaper, we review the findings of rigorous gas detection testing conducted, to identify the capabilities of the latest, most cutting-edge gas detection tools available.

Ensuring Compliance with UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) Gas Certifications

Although the UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) product marking was originally brought into force 1st January 2021, governing the certification of goods across England, Wales and Scotland, businesses can continue to use the CE mark until 31st of December 2024 before the guidance becomes a legal requirement. Our white paper aims to provide a clear breakdown of the UKCA certification and offer advice to ensure businesses are compliant with the new guidance in time.

The Complexities of Monitoring Ammonia

Ammonia is a non-flammable gas at low concentration, but at higher concentrations in the air it can explode when ignited. Ensure you know the industrial processes that feature the use or production of ammonia, the hazards that arise when the gas is present, and how to control the risks.

Workplace Exposure Limits

For those working in industries where gas detection is required, it is important, for numerous reasons, that a thorough understanding of workplace exposure limits are met. This understanding, including how that looks when applied practically, will ensure compliance standards and regulations are met, as well as, most importantly maintaining environmental and operational safety which safeguard human health.

Telecommunications: Protect against hazardous chemicals and confined spaces

The telecommunication industry contains many confined spaces where many hazardous chemicals and noxious gases can collect. With these risks being widely distributed across telecommunications infrastructure, it is imperative that those working within this sector have a clear understanding of the dangers faced during their day to day working life.

The Importance of Gas Detection in Water Treatment

Water utility companies help provide clean water for drinking, bathing, and industrial and commercial uses. Wastewater treatment plants and sewage systems help keep our waterways clean and sanitary. Throughout the water industry, the risk of gas exposure and gas-associated hazards are considerable.

Transportation Industry Gas Challenges

The transportation sector spans air freight and logistics, airlines and airport services, road and rail, transportation infrastructure, trucking, highways, rail tracks, and marine ports and services. As a result, the dangers facing those working in the transportation industry are also wide ranging. With this in mind, it is important to raise awareness about all the wide-ranging risks.

Measuring Gas at a Distance: Methane

Methane is an important greenhouse gas. It is also highly flammable and can be explosive in some circumstances. With so many dangers posed by the gas methane, it is imperative that health and safety managers are properly equipped, not just with the relevant gas detection technology and products from a safety point of view, with a robust understanding about how to protect their
personnel from the potential hazards involved when working with methane, but also to play their part in minimising releases to the environment.

Battery Power Storage: Protecting People and Plant

Energy storage systems are essential to bolster global efforts to pursue alternative energy sources such as solar and wind to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Storage technologies include batteries, thermal storage, hydropower, mechanical storage, and other technologies. These systems are found in several applications, including utilities and energy companies, commercial facilities, transportation, banking, hospitals, and industrial operations.


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