However, it is colourless, tasteless and odourless meaning it is difficult to detect across different environments.

Sebbene l'idrogeno non sia tossico, è notoriamente infiammabile e le alte concentrazioni in spazi confinati sostituiscono l'ossigeno, rendendo il rilevamento del gas fondamentale per la salvaguardia del personale a rischio di esposizione.

Hydrogen Gas Detectors

Odourless, colourless and tasteless


Highly combustible

than air

Non-toxic but can displace oxygen

Per saperne di più sull'idrogeno

How to detect HYDROGEN

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The team here at Crowcon are industry leaders in gas detection, and between us have decades of experience working with and around gases like hydrogen. If you want advice on gas detection and safety, a member of our team is always on hand to walk you through the best resources and advice to keep you, your site, and your personnel safe. 

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