The SMART P detectors have been designed to fulfil the latest European Standard on gas detection in car parks, with the capability to detect CO, NO2 and petrol vapours.

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Build-up of toxic gases from cars can be deadly, which is why extra care needs to be taken in confined areas such as car parks. The SMART P detectors are designed specifically for the measurement of gases in car parks, capable of detection CO, NO2 and petrol vapours to provide complete peace of mind.

While the SMART P-1 is a single-gas detector, the SMART P-2 allows for simultaneous detection of both CO and either NO2 or petrol vapours, offering enhanced protection from noxious fumes.

Sia lo SMART P-1 che il P-2 offrono la comunicazione RS485 come standard e sono stati progettati per soddisfare la più recente norma europea per il rilevamento di gas nei parcheggi (EN 50545-1:2011), in modo da essere completamente coperti.

Progettazione specifica del parcheggio

RS485 di serie

Conformità alla norma EN 50545-1:2011

Possibilità di doppio rilevamento

Funziona a -20 / +50°C

Rilevamento multigas

  • The SMART P-2 allows for simultaneous detection of both CO and either NO2 or petrol vapours.
  • Carbon Monoxide & Sulphur Dioxide monitoring as standard across the P-1 & P-2
  • Easy sensor replacement

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