Hydrogen Sulphide


Hydrogen sulphide occurs naturally in crude petroleum, natural gas, volcanic gases, and hot springs. It can also result from bacterial breakdown of organic matter. Although it can remain in the air from 1 to 42 days, depending on the season, people can usually smell hydrogen sulphide at low concentrations in air ranging from 0.0005 to 0.3 parts per million (ppm).

Hydrogen sulphide is a flammable, colourless gas that smells like rotten eggs

Respiratory protection is recommended when entering an H2S environment, due to the toxic effects of the gas

Exposure to low concentrations of hydrogen sulphide may cause headaches, poor memory, tiredness, and balance problems

Download our Hydrogen Sulphide factsheet and:
  • Discover how to know when you’ve been exposed to Hydrogen Sulphide
  • Learn what steps to take to protect your team
  • Understand how to detect, measure and report Hydrogen Sulphide
Download factsheet
Products for Hydrogen Sulphide Detection
Portable Detectors
Clip SGD

Industrial single gas detector designed for use in hazardous areas.

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Gas-Pro TK

Ideal for flammable gas detection at any concentration.

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Fixed Detectors

SIL2 certified, versatile and transmitter compatible fixed detector available with alarm and fault relays.

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SIL2 certified fixed gas detector designed to meet the toughest industrial standards.

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SIL2 certified fixed gas detector ideal for  a variety of industrial applications, capable of monitoring toxic, flammable and refrigerant gases in harsh environments and classified areas.

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SIL2 certified fixed gas detector ideal for  a variety of industrial applications, capable of monitoring toxic, flammable and refrigerant gases in harsh environments and classified areas.

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Refrigerant gas detectors designed for use in non-classified areas, machinery/plant rooms and laboratories.

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