What You Need to Know About Detecting Hydrogen Flames

In the world of industrial safety, we’re surrounded by hazardous materials and volatile substances, so having reliable detection systems is vital. One area that really stands out is being able to spot hydrogen flames early on, because they can lead to some serious incidents. Understanding the importance of detecting these flames and using advanced tools like the Crowcon FGard H2 Multi Spectrum IR Hydrogen Flame Detector is essential for keeping both people and assets safe in various industries. 

Safety Considerations with Hydrogen Flame Detection 

Hydrogen, with its wide range of industrial applications, is a highly flammable gas. It is heavily used in sectors such as chemical processing, energy production, and manufacturing. However, its combustibility also poses significant risks, as hydrogen fires can escalate rapidly, that can lead to catastrophic consequences if not promptly detected and mitigated. 

Hydrogen flames emit radiation predominantly in the infrared spectrum, meaning traditional methods of flame detection may not always be effective in promptly identifying hydrogen flames due to the unique characteristics of hydrogen combustion. As a result, specialised hydrogen flame detectors are necessary to ensure swift and accurate detection. 

Advanced Hydrogen Flame Detection Solution 

 When you need reliable hydrogen flame detection, look no further than our FGard H2. It’s been designed to excel in detecting hydrogen fires, offering exceptional sensitivity and responsiveness. Independently tested and validated, it demonstrates the ability to detect hydrogen plume fires at remarkable distances, providing early warning within seconds. With a detection range of up to 40 meters (131 feet), the FGard H2 ensures proactive detection, enabling swift action to mitigate potential hazards effectively. 

At the heart of the FGard H2 lies sophisticated hydrogen flame detection algorithms, meticulously developed to optimise performance while minimising false alarms. Detecting the unique characteristics of hydrogen flames, the detector offers unparalleled accuracy, distinguishing between genuine threats and environmental interferences with precision. This advanced algorithmic approach enhances operational efficiency, reducing downtime and maintenance costs associated with false alarms. 

In industrial settings where hazardous conditions prevail, reliability and durability are non-negotiable. Engineered to withstand harsh operating environments, FGard H2 features an explosion-proof design that ensures resilience in the face of challenging conditions. Built to meet stringent safety standards, including ATEX and IECEx certifications, this detector provides peace of mind, even in the most demanding applications. 

Hydrogen Flame Detection Safeguards Lives 

The importance of hydrogen flame detection cannot be overstated in industries where hydrogen is present. Timely detection of hydrogen fires is essential for preventing accidents, protecting personnel, and preserving critical assets. The Crowcon FGard H2 Multi Spectrum IR Hydrogen Flame Detector emerges as a beacon of safety, offering unmatched performance, reliability, and precision in hydrogen flame detection. 

By investing in advanced detection solutions like the FGard H2, industries can fortify their safety protocols, mitigate risks, and uphold their commitment to operational excellence and personnel’s well-being. With its exceptional capabilities and unwavering reliability, the FGard H2 stands as a testament to Crowcon’s dedication to innovation and safety in hazardous environments. 

For more information about the FGard H2 or hydrogen flame detection, get in contact.

Molecular Property Spectrometer™ Flammable Gas Sensors

Developed by NevadaNano, Molecular Property Spectrometer™ (MPS™) sensors represent the next generation of flammable gas detectors. MPS™ can quickly detect over 15 characterised flammable gases at once. Until recently, anyone who needed to monitor flammable gases had to select either a traditional flammable gas detector containing a pellistor sensor calibrated for a specific gas, or containing an infra-red (IR) sensor which also varies in output according to the flammable gas being measured, and hence needs to be calibrated for each gas. While these remain beneficial solutions, they are not always ideal. For example, both sensor types require regular calibration and the catalytic pellistor sensors also need frequent bump testing to ensure they have not been damaged by contaminants (known as ‘sensor poisoning’ agents) or by harsh conditions. In some environments, sensors must frequently be changed, which is costly in terms of both money and downtime, or product availability. IR technology cannot detect hydrogen – which has no IR signature, and both IR and pellistor detectors sometimes incidentally detect other (i.e., non-calibrated) gases, giving inaccurate readings that may trigger false alarms or concern operators.  

Building on over 50 years of gas expertise, Crowcon is pioneering advanced MPS™ sensor technology that detects and accurately identifies over 15 different flammable gases in one device. Now available in Crowcon’s flagship Xgard Bright fixed detector and portable detectors Gasman and T4x. 

Benefits of Molecular Property Spectrometer™ Flammable Gas Sensors 

The MPS™ sensor delivers key features that provide real world tangible benefits to operator and hence workers. These include:  

No calibration 

When implementing a system containing a fixed head detector, it is common practice to service on a recommended schedule defined by manufacturer. This entails ongoing regular costs as well potentially disrupting production or process in order service or even gain access to detector or multiple detectors. There may also be a risk to personnel when detectors are mounted in particularly hazardous environments. Interaction with an MPS sensor is less stringent because there are no unrevealed failure modes, provided air is present. It would be wrong to say there is no calibration requirement. One factory calibration, followed by a gas test when commissioning is sufficient, because there is an internal automated calibration being performed every 2 seconds throughout the working life of the sensor. What is really meant is – no customer calibration.  

Multi species gas – ‘True LEL’™ 

Many industries and applications use or have as a by-product multiple gases within the same environment. This can be challenging for traditional sensor technology which can detect only a single gas that they were calibrated for at the correct level and can result in inaccurate reading and even false alarms which can halt process or production if another flammable gas type is present. The lack of response or over response frequently faced in multi gas environments can be frustrating and counterproductive compromising safety of best user practices. The MPS™ sensor can accurately detect multiple gases at once and instantly identify gas type. Additionally, the MPS™ sensor has a on board environmental compensation and does not require an externally applied correctional factor. Inaccurate readings and false alarms are a thing of the past. 

No sensor poisoning 

In certain environments traditional sensor types can be under risk of poisoning. Extreme pressure, temperature, and humidity all have the potential to damage sensors whist environmental toxins and contaminants can ‘poison’ sensors, leading to severely compromised performance. Detectors in environments where poisons or inhibitors may be encountered, regular and frequent testing is the only way to ensure that performance is not being degraded. Sensor failure due to poisoning can be a costly experience. The technology in the MPS™ sensor is not affected by contaminates in the environment. Processes that have contaminates now have access to a solution that operates reliably with fail safe design to alert operator to offer a peace of mind for personnel and assets located in hazardous environment. Additionally, the MPS sensor is not harmed by elevated flammable gas concentrations, which may cause cracking in conventional catalytic sensor types for example. The MPS sensor carries on working.  

Hydrogen (H2) 

The usage of Hydrogen in industrial processes is increasing as the focus to find a cleaner alternative to natural gas usage. Detection of Hydrogen is currently restricted to pellistor, metal oxide semiconductor, electrochemical and less accurate thermal conductivity sensor technology due to Infra-Red sensors inability to detect Hydrogen. When faced with challenges highlighted above in poisoning or false alarms, the current solution can leave operator with frequent bump testing and servicing in addition to false alarm challenges. The MPS™ sensor provides a far better solution for Hydrogen detection, removing the challenges faced with traditional sensor technology. A long-life, relatively fast responding hydrogen sensor that does not require calibration throughout the life cycle of the sensor, without the risk of poisoning or false alarms, can significantly save on total cost of ownership and reduces interaction with unit resulting in peace of mind and reduced risk for operators leveraging MPS™ technology. All of this is possible thanks to MPS™ technology, which is the biggest breakthrough in gas detection for several decades.  

How does the Molecular Property Spectrometer™ Flammable Gas Sensor work 

A micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) transducer—comprising an inert, micrometer-scale membrane with an embedded heater and thermometer—measures changes in the thermal properties of the air and gases in its proximity. Multiple measurements, akin to a thermal “spectrum,” as well as environmental data are processed to classify the type and concentration of flammable gas(es) present, including gas mixtures. This is called  TrueLEL. 

  1. Gas rapidly defuses through the sensor’s mesh screen and into the sensor chamber, entering the MEMS sensor module.​ 
  2. The joule heater rapidly heats the hot plate.​ 
  3. Real-time environmental conditions (temperature, pressure and humidity) are measured by the integrated environmental sensor.  
  4. The energy required to heat the sample is precisely measured using a resistance thermometer.​ 
  5. The gas level, corrected for gas category and environmental  conditions, is calculated and output to the gas detector. 

MPS in our Products 

Xgard Bright

Many industries and applications use or have as a by-product multiple gases within the same environment. This can be challenging for traditional sensor technology which can detect only a single gas that they were calibrated for at the correct level and can result in inaccurate reading. 

Xgard Bright with MPS™ sensor technology provides a ‘TrueLEL™’reading for all flammable gases in any multi species environment without requiring calibrationor scheduled maintenance over its 5-year+ lifecycle, reducing interruptions to your operations and increases up-time. This in turn reduces the interaction with the detector resulting in a lower total cost of ownership over the sensor life cycle and reduced risk to personnel and production output to complete regular maintenance. Xgard Bright MPS™ is tailor-made for Hydrogen detection, with the MPS™ sensor, only one device is needed saving space without compromising on safety. 


Our MPS™ sensor technology has been designed for today’s multi-gas environments, resists contamination and prevents sensor poisoning. Give your teams peace of mind with a purpose-built device in any environment. The MPS technology in our portable gas monitors detects hydrogen and common hydrocarbons automatically in one sensor. Our reliable and dependable Gasman with industry leading sensor technology that your applications demand.

Gasman MPS™ provides a ‘TrueLEL™’reading for all flammable gases in any multi species environment without requiring calibration or scheduled maintenance over its 5-year+ lifecycle, reducing interruptions to your operations and increases up-time. Being poison resistant and withbattery life doubled, operators are more likely to never be without a device. Gasman MPS™ is ATEX Zone 0 approved enabling operators to enter an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is present continuously or for long periods without fear their Gasman will ignite their environment. 


T4xAs the industry is continuously demanding improvements in safety, reduced environmental impact, and lower cost of ownership; our reliable and dependable portable T4x gas monitor meets those needs with its industry-leading sensor technologies. It is specifically designed to meet the demands of your applications. 

T4x helps operations teams focus on more value adding tasks by reducing the number of sensor replacementsby 75% and increasing sensor reliability.    

Through ensuring compliance across site T4x helps health and safety managers by eliminating the need to ensure each device is calibratedfor the relevant flammable gas as it accurately detects over 15 at once. Being poison resistant and withbattery life doubled, operators are more likely to never be without a device.​ T4x reduces the 5-year total cost of ownership by over 25% and saves 12g of lead per detector which makes it much easier to recycle at the end of its life, and better for the planet​. 

For more on Crowcon, visit https://www.crowcon.com or for more on MPS visit https://www.crowcon.com/mpsinfixed/

Gas Hazards in Battery Power Storage

Batteries are effective at reducing power outages since they can also store excess traditional grid energy. The energy stored within batteries can be released whenever a large volume of power is needed, such as during a power failure at a data centre to prevent data being lost, or as a back-up power supply to a hospital or military application to ensure the continuity of vital services. Large scale batteries can also be used to plug short-term gaps in demand from the grid. These battery compositions can also be used in smaller sizes to power electric cars and may be further scaled down to power commercial products, such as phones, tablets, laptops, speakers and – of course – personal gas detectors.

Gas hazards

The main gas risk emitted by batteries, specifically lead acid batteries, is hydrogen. It is possible to get both hydrogen and oxygen evolved during charging however, a lead acid battery is likely to have catalytic recombination parts internally, so oxygen is less of a risk. Hydrogen is always a cause for concern, as it can collect and build up. A situation that is obviously worsened when they are charged in a space with a poor airflow.

When charging, lead-acid batteries consist of lead and oxide at the positive terminal, and of spongy lead at the negative anode, using concentrated sulfuric acid as the electrolyte. The presence of sulfuric acid is another cause for concern if the battery leaks or is ever damaged because concentrated acids harm people, metals and the environment.

When charging batteries also emit oxygen and hydrogen because of the electrolysis process. The levels of hydrogen produced soar when a lead acid battery cell “blows” or is unable to be charged properly. The amount of gas present is relevant because high levels of hydrogen make it highly explosive, even though it is not toxic. Hydrogen has a 100% lower explosive limit of 4.0% by volume, at which level an ignition source would cause fires or for hydrogen more usually, explosions. Fires and explosions are an issue not only for the workers within the space, but also for the surrounding equipment and infrastructure.

Importance of Gas Detection Technology

Gas detection is an invaluable safety technology often equipped in battery charging rooms. Ventilation is also advised, and while helpful, it is not fool proof as fan motors can fail and should not be relied upon as the sole safety measure for battery charging areas. Fans mask the problem while gas detection notifies personnel to act before problems escalate. Gas detection systems are crucial in informing personnel of increasing gas leaks before becoming dangerous. Gas detection units comply with local building codes and NFPA 111, the National Fire Protection Association standard on stored electrical energy emergency and standby power systems. They include maintenance, operation, installation, and testing provisions regarding the system’s performance. In addition to permanent gas detection systems, handheld units are available. The benchmark products are provided by Crowcon and are listed below.

Portable Gas Detectors

Crowcon’s portable gas detectors (Gasman, Gas-Pro, T4x, Tetra 3 and T4) protect against a wide range of industrial gas hazards, with both single gas and multi-gas monitors available. With a wide range of sizes and complexities, you can find the right portable gas detection solution to meet the number and type of gas sensors you need and your display and certification requirements.

Fixed Gas Detectors

Crowcon gas detection fixed systems offer a flexible range of solutions that can measure flammable, toxic, and oxygen gases, report their presence, and activate alarms or associated equipment. Crowcon fixed gas monitoring systems (Xgard, Xgard Bright and XgardIQ) are designed to be interfaced with manual call points, fire and gas detectors, and distributed control systems (DCS).

Control Panels

Crowcon gas detection control panels offer a flexible range of solutions that can measure flammable, toxic, and oxygen gases, report their presence, and activate alarms or associated equipment. Crowcon fixed gas (Vortex, GM Addressable Controllers, Gasmaster) monitoring systems are designed to be interfaced with manual call points, fire and gas detectors and distributed control systems (DCS). In addition, each system can be engineered to drive remote annunciators and mimic panels. Crowcon has a gas detection product to suit your application regardless of your operation.

Temperature Measurement

Crowcon has extensive experience with temperature measurement. There are several models of temperature measurement, from pocket thermometers to industrial kits ranging from -99.9 to 299.9°C with probes and clamps. They are enhancing their fixed detection capabilities by adding high-temperature electrochemical sulphur dioxide detection for battery manufacturing and charging stations. This is critical during the first charge of a battery, as a fault is most likely at that time. Their fast-acting systems detect the precursors to thermal runaway and quickly terminate power to the batteries to avoid damage.

To find out more on the dangers of gas hazards in battery power visit our industry page for more information.

Xgard Type 3: The mV Advantage

Xgard Type 3 is the ideal solution for detecting lighter-than-air flammable gases such as methane and hydrogen. Detectors in such applications usually have to be mounted high-up in roof spaces or above equipment where access for calibration and maintenance is  likely to present problems.

Gas detectors require calibration (usually every six months) and sensors may need to be replaced every 3-5 years. These activities usually require direct access to the detector to make adjustments and replace parts. National regulations such as the ‘UK Work at Height Regulations 2005’ stipulate safe working practices when working on equipment at height, and compliance usually requires the use of scaffolding or mobile ‘cherry pickers’ which entails significant cost and disruption on-site.

The advantage of mV pellistor type detectors

The terms ‘mV’ and ‘4-20mA’ describe the type of signal which is transmitted through the cable between the gas detector and the control system (for example a Crowcon Gasmaster). Calibration of  4-20mA detector (e.g. Xgard Type 5) entails removing the lid, and zeroing/calibrating the amplifier using a meter, test-points and potentiometers. Even more sophisticated detectors with a display and non-intrusive calibration still require direct access to operate the menu system using a magnet in order to perform calibration.

Xgard Type 3 is a mV pellistor-based detector which has no internal electronics (i.e. no amplifier); just terminals to connect via three wires to the control system (e.g. Gasmaster). Commissioning simply entails measuring the ‘head voltage’ at the detector terminals, and performing zero and calibration adjustments at the Gasmaster input module. Ongoing 6-monthly calibrations are then performed by remotely applying gas (via a ‘spray deflector’ or ‘collector cone’ accessory), and any necessary adjustments are made at ground level via the control system input module.

Hence once commissioned, mV pellistor type detectors do not need to be accessed until the sensor needs replacing; usually 3-5 years after installation. The routine need for expensive access equipment; scaffolding or cherry-pickers in thus avoided.

Xgard Type 3 can be directly connected to Gasmaster and Gasmonitor systems, and to Vortex via an ‘Accessory Enclosure’ accessory which converts the mV signals to 4-20mA.

Remote calibration of a mV pellistor type detector
Remote calibration of a mV pellistor type detector.

The Importance of Gas Detection in the Power Industry

The energy industry is the very backbone of our industrial and domestic worlds, supplying essential energy to industrial, manufacturing, commercial and residential customers around the globe. With the inclusion of fossil fuel industries (petroleum, coal, LNG); electricity generation, distribution and sales; nuclear energy and renewable energy, the power generation sector is essential in supporting the increasing demand for power from emerging countries and an increasing world population.

Gas Hazards in Power Sector

Gas detection systems have been installed extensively in the power industry to minimise potential consequence through the detection of gas exposure with those working within this industry are exposed to a variation of power plant gas hazards.

Carbon monoxide

The transport and pulverisation of coal poses a high risk of combustion. Fine coal dust becomes suspended in air and highly explosive. The smallest spark, for example from plant equipment, can ignite the dust cloud and cause an explosion that sweeps up more dust, which explodes in turn, and so on in a chain reaction. Coal power plants now require combustible dust certification, in addition to hazardous gas certification.

Coal power plants generate large volumes of carbon monoxide (CO) which is both highly toxic and flammable and must be accurately monitored. A toxic component of incomplete combustion, CO comes from boiler casing leaks and smouldering coal. It is vital to monitor CO in coal tunnels, bunkers, hoppers and tipper rooms, along with infrared-type flammable gas detection to detect pre-fire conditions.


With hydrogen fuel cells gaining popularity as alternatives to fossil fuel, it is important to be aware of the dangers of hydrogen. Like all fuels, hydrogen is highly flammable and if it leaks there is real risk of fire. Hydrogen burns with a pale blue, almost invisible, flame that can cause serious injuries and severe equipment damage. Therefore, hydrogen must be monitored, to prevent seal-oil system fires, unscheduled shutdowns and to protect personnel from fire.

In addition, power plants must have back-up batteries, to ensure the continued functioning of critical control systems in cases of power outage. Battery rooms generate considerable hydrogen, and monitoring is often carried out in conjunction with ventilation. Traditional lead acid batteries produce hydrogen when they are being charged. These batteries are normally charged together, sometimes in the same room or area, which can generate an explosion risk, especially if the room is not properly ventilated.

Confined Space Entry

Confined space entry (CSE) is often considered to be a dangerous type of work performed in power generation. It is therefore important that the entry is strictly controlled and detailed precautions are taken. Lack of oxygen, toxic and flammable gases are risks that can occur during work in confined spaces, which should never be considered as simple or routine. However, the hazards of working in confined spaces can be predicted, monitored, and mitigated through the use of portable gas detection devices. Confined Spaces Regulations 1997. Approved Code of Practice, Regulations and guidance is for employees that work in Confined Spaces, those who employ or train such people and those who represent them.

Our Solutions

Elimination of these gas hazards is virtually impossible, so permanent workers and contractors must depend on reliable gas detection equipment to protect them. Gas detection can be provided in both fixed and portable forms. Our portable gas detectors protect against a wide range of gas hazards, these include T4x, Gasman, Tetra 3,Gas-Pro, T4, and Detective+. Our fixed gas detectors are used in many applications where reliability, dependability and lack of false alarms are instrumental to efficient and effective gas detection, these include Xgard, Xgard BrightXgardIQ and IRmax. Combined with a variety of our fixed detectors, our gas detection control panels offer a flexible range of solutions that measure flammable, toxic and oxygen gases, report their presence and activate alarms or associated equipment, for the power industry our panels include Vortex and Gasmonitor.

To find out more on the gas hazards in the power industry visit our industry page for more information.

An Introduction to the Oil and Gas Industry 

The oil and gas industry is one of the biggest industries in the world, making a significant contribution to the global economy. This vast sector is often separated into three main sectors: upstream, midstream and downstream. Each sector comes with their own unique gas hazards. 


The upstream sector of the oil and gas industry, sometimes referred to as exploration and production (or E&P), is concerned with locating sites for oil and gas extraction the subsequent drilling, recovery and production of crude oil and natural gas. Oil and gas production is an incredibly capital-intensive industry, requiring the use of expensive machinery equipment as well as highly skilled workers. The upstream sector is wide-ranging, encompassing both onshore and offshore drilling operations. 

The major gas hazard encountered in upstream oil and gas is hydrogen sulphide (H2S), a colourless gas known by its distinct rotten egg like smell. H2S is a highly toxic, flammable gas which can have harmful effects on our health, leading to loss of consciousness and even death at high levels. 

Crowcon’s solution for hydrogen sulphide detection comes in the form of the XgardIQ, an intelligent gas detector which increases safety by minimising the time operators must spend in hazardous areas. XgardIQ is available with high-temperature H2S sensor, specifically designed for the harsh environments of the Middle East. 


The midstream sector of the oil and gas industry encompasses the storage, transportation and processing of crude oil and natural gas. The transportation of crude oil and natural gas is done by both land and sea with large volumes transported in tankers and marine vessels. On land, transportation methods used are tankers and pipelines. Challenges within the midstream sector include but are not limited to maintaining the integrity of storage and transportation vessels and protecting workers involved in cleaning, purging and filling activities. 

Monitoring of storage tanks is essential to ensure the safety of workers and machinery. 


The downstream sector refers to the refining and processing of natural gas and crude oil and the distribution of finished products. This is the stage of the process where these raw materials are transformed into products which are used for a variety of purposes such as fuelling vehicles and heating homes.  

The refining process for crude oil is generally split into three basic steps: separation, conversion and treatment. Natural gas processing involves separating the various hydrocarbons and fluids to produce ‘pipeline quality’ gas. 

The gas hazards which are typical within the downstream sector are hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen and a wide range of toxic gases. Crowcon’s Xgard and Xgard Bright fixed detectors both offer a wide range of sensor options to cover all the gas hazards present in this industry. Xgard Bright is also available with the next generation MPS™ sensor, for the detection of over 15 flammable gases in one detector. Also available are both single and multi-gas personal monitors to ensure workers safety in these potentially hazardous environments. These include the Gas-Pro and T4x, with Gas-Pro providing 5 gas support in a compact and rugged solution.

Industry Overview: Battery Power

Batteries are effective at reducing power outages since they can also store excess traditional grid energy. The energy stored within batteries can be released whenever a large volume of power is needed, such as during a power failure at a data centre to prevent data being lost, or as a back-up power supply to a hospital or military application to ensure the continuity of vital services. Large scale batteries can also be used to plug short-term gaps in demand from the grid. These battery compositions can also be used in smaller sizes to power electric cars and may be further scaled down to power commercial products, such as phones, tablets, laptops, speakers and – of course – personal gas detectors.

Applications include battery storage, transportation and welding and can be segregated into four main categories: Chemical – e.g., ammonia, hydrogen, methanol and synthetic fuel, electrochemical – lead acid, lithium ion, Na-Cd, Na-ion, electrical – supercapacitors, superconductive magnetic storage and Mechanical – compressed air, pumped hydro, gravity.

Gas Hazards

Li-ion battery fires

A major concern arises when static electricity or a faulty charger damages the battery protection circuit. This damage can result in fusing the solid-state switches into an ON position, without the user knowing. A battery with a faulty protection circuit may function normally, however, may not provide protection from short circuit. A gas detection system can establish if there is a fault and may be used in a feedback loop to shut off power, seal the space and release an inert gas (such as nitrogen) into the area to prevent any fire or explosion.

Leakage of toxic gases prior to thermal runaway

Thermal runaway of lithium-metal and lithium-ion cells has resulted in several fires. With research showing that fires fuelled by flammable gases are vented from the batteries during thermal runaway. The electrolyte in a lithium-ion battery is flammable and generally contains lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) or other Li-salts containing fluorine. In the event of overheating, the electrolyte will evaporate and eventually be vented out from the battery cells. Researchers have found that commercial lithium-ion batteries can emit considerable amounts of hydrogen fluoride (HF) during a fire, and that emission rates vary for different types of battery and state of-charge (SOC) levels. Hydrogen fluoride can penetrate skin to affect deep skin tissue and even bone and blood. Even with minimal exposure, pain and symptoms may not present for several hours, by which time damage is extreme.

Hydrogen and explosion risk

With hydrogen fuel cells gaining popularity as alternatives to fossil fuel, it is important to be aware of the dangers of hydrogen. Like all fuels, hydrogen is highly flammable and if it leaks there is real risk of fire. Traditional lead acid batteries produce hydrogen when they are being charged. These batteries are normally charged together, sometimes in the same room or area, which can generate an explosion risk, especially if the room is not properly ventilated. Most hydrogen applications cannot use odorants for safety, as hydrogen disperses faster than odorants do. There are applicable safety standards for hydrogen fuelling stations, whereby appropriate protective gear is required for all workers. This includes personal detectors, capable of detecting ppm level hydrogen as well as %LEL level. The default alarm levels are set at 20% and 40% LEL which is 4% volume, but some applications may wish to have a custom PPM range and alarm levels to pick up hydrogen accumulations quickly.

To find out more on the dangers of gas hazards in battery power visit our industry page for more information.

Our Partnership with Gasway


Founded in Norwich in 1982 Gasway Services Ltd have over 40 years industry experience, with over 200 contracted engineers. They are experts in all boiler types. Gasway are the largest heating company in the East of England. With 4 offices, 2 in Norwich and the other 2 in Colchester (Gasway are a subsidiary company of Flagship Group and has acquired Colchester-based Blueflame Services).

Their team of engineers help thousands with their heating. Gasway specialise in gas appliances and boilers, providing services for all kinds of heating systems including gas, oil, electrical and LPG. As well as renewable technologies, commercial heating, and electrical services. Gasway install, repair, service, and even offer you a boiler cover plan to protect your heating system.

Views on HVAC

Renewable heating solutions are becoming more popular, with the UK Government’s new low carbon agenda. The burning of gas is responsible for more carbon dioxide than any other fuel source. To hit net zero by 2050 there are several ways that need to be achieved. There are many ways that we need to change our lives in order to help achieve this. Gasway acknowledges that they have a part to play in helping to achieve net zero by 2050. They have a dedicated department that focuses purely on renewable energy with future aims to expand in the future. Alongside this Gasway are aiming to offer more apprenticeships dedicated to renewable energy. These initiatives highlight that they believe in renewable energy as well as the possibility for hydrogen to play a part in this.

Working with AntonbyCrowcon

Gasway Services Ltd has been a partner of AntonbyCrowcon for over 3 years. They have provided their engineers with equipment that they can rely on when servicing gas, and oil boilers. Through continuous communication with their service team, our partnership has provided Gasway with the confidence to provide expert advice to their customers. “AntonbyCrowcon provide our engineers with reliable, multi-purpose equipment that not only ensures the safety of our workers and our customers. But also allows our engineers to carry less equipment and work more efficiently.”

The Gas Safe Register was introduced to protect the public from rogue gas engineers and plumbers. Millions of lives are put at risk by faulty gas work every year and illegal work costs millions of pounds annually to fix. Gas Safe makes sure that everyone on its register is competent to carry out the type(s) of gas work they’re registered for, and their registration is updated every year. Making it very easy to check if the engineer completing work on your behalf is authentic. If a Gas Safe-registered contractor breaches the terms of their registration, Gas Safe can investigate them and may revoke their registration. Gasway are investing in UK manufacturing to give customers and engineers the safety that they require and can rely on.

The Benefits of MPS Sensors 

Developed by NevadaNano, Molecular Property Spectrometer™ (MPS™) sensors represent the new generation of flammable gas detectors. MPS™ can quickly detect over 15 characterised flammable gases at once. Until recently, anyone who needed to monitor flammable gases had to select either a traditional flammable gas detector containing a pellistor sensor calibrated for a specific gas, or containing an infra-red (IR) sensor which also varies in output according to the flammable gas being measured, and hence needs to be calibrated for each gas. While these remain beneficial solutions, they are not always ideal. For example, both sensor types require regular calibration and the catalytic pellistor sensors also need frequent bump testing to ensure they have not been damaged by contaminants (known as ‘sensor poisoning’ agents) or by harsh conditions. In some environments, sensors must frequently be changed, which is costly in terms of both money and downtime, or product availability. IR technology cannot detect hydrogen – which has no IR signature, and both IR and pellistor detectors sometimes incidentally detect other (i.e., non-calibrated) gases, giving inaccurate readings that may trigger false alarms or concern operators. 

The MPS™ sensor delivers key features that provide real world tangible benefits to operator and hence workers. These include: 

No calibration  

When implementing a system containing a fixed head detector, it is common practice to service on a recommended schedule defined by manufacturer. This entails ongoing regular costs as well potentially disrupting production or process in order service or even gain access to detector or multiple detectors. There may also be a risk to personnel when detectors are mounted in particularly hazardous environments. Interaction with an MPS sensor is less stringent because there are no unrevealed failure modes, provided air is present. It would be wrong to say there is no calibration requirement. One factory calibration, followed by a gas test when commissioning is sufficient, because there is an internal automated calibration being performed every 2 seconds throughout the working life of the sensor. What is really meant is – no customer calibration. 

The Xgard Bright with MPS™ sensor technology does not require calibration. This in turn reduces the interaction with the detector resulting in a lower total cost of ownership over the sensor life cycle and reduced risk to personnel and production output to complete regular maintenance. It is still advisable to check the cleanliness of the gas detector from time to time, since gas can’t get through thick build ups of obstructive material and wouldn’t then reach the sensor. 

Multi species gas – ‘True LEL’™  

Many industries and applications use or have as a by-product multiple gases within the same environment. This can be challenging for traditional sensor technology which can detect only a single gas that they were calibrated for at the correct level and can result in inaccurate reading and even false alarms which can halt process or production if another flammable gas type is present. The lack of response or over response frequently faced in multi gas environments can be frustrating and counterproductive compromising safety of best user practices. The MPS™ sensor can accurately detect multiple gases at once and instantly identify gas type. Additionally, the MPS™ sensor has a on board environmental compensation and does not require an externally applied correctional factor. Inaccurate readings and false alarms are a thing of the past.  

No sensor poisoning  

In certain environments traditional sensor types can be under risk of poisoning. Extreme pressure, temperature, and humidity all have the potential to damage sensors whist environmental toxins and contaminants can ‘poison’ sensors, leading to severely compromised performance. Detectors in environments where poisons or inhibitors may be encountered, regular and frequent testing is the only way to ensure that performance is not being degraded. Sensor failure due to poisoning can be a costly experience. The technology in the MPS™ sensor is not affected by contaminates in the environment. Processes that have contaminates now have access to a solution that operates reliably with fail safe design to alert operator to offer a peace of mind for personnel and assets located in hazardous environment. Additionally, the MPS sensor is not harmed by elevated flammable gas concentrations, which may cause cracking in conventional catalytic sensor types for example. The MPS sensor carries on working. 

Hydrogen (H2)

The usage of Hydrogen in industrial processes is increasing as the focus to find a cleaner alternative to natural gas usage. Detection of Hydrogen is currently restricted to pellistor, metal oxide semiconductor, electrochemical and less accurate thermal conductivity sensor technology due to Infra-Red sensors inability to detect Hydrogen. When faced with challenges highlighted above in poisoning or false alarms, the current solution can leave operator with frequent bump testing and servicing in addition to false alarm challenges. The MPS™ sensor provides a far better solution for Hydrogen detection, removing the challenges faced with traditional sensor technology. A long-life, relatively fast responding hydrogen sensor that does not require calibration throughout the life cycle of the sensor, without the risk of poisoning or false alarms, can significantly save on total cost of ownership and reduces interaction with unit resulting in peace of mind and reduced risk for operators leveraging MPS™ technology. All of this is possible thanks to MPS™ technology, which is the biggest breakthrough in gas detection for several decades. The Gasman with MPS is hydrogen (H2) ready. A single MPS sensor accurately detects hydrogen and common hydrocarbons in a fail-safe, poison-resistant solution without recalibration.

For more on Crowcon, visit https://www.crowcon.com or for more on MPSTM visit https://www.crowcon.com/mpsinfixed/  

World Hydrogen Summit 2022

Crowcon exhibited at the World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition 2022 on the 9th – 11th May 2022 as part of the event designed to advance development in the hydrogen sector. Based in Rotterdam and produced by the Sustainable Energy Council (SEC), this year’s exhibition was the first Crowcon has attended. We were excited to be part of an occasion which fosters connections and collaboration between those at the forefront of the heavy industry and drives the hydrogen sector forward.

Our team representatives met various industry peers and showcased our Hydrogen solutions for gas detection. Our MPS sensor offers a higher standard of flammable gas detection thanks to its pioneering advanced molecular property spectrometer (MPS™) technology that can detect and accurately identify over 15 different flammable gases. This showcased an ideal solution for hydrogen detection due to hydrogen having proprieties that allow for easy ignition and higher burn intensity compared to that of petrol or diesel, therefore poses a real explosion risk. To find out more read our blog.

Our MPS technology had interest due to this not requiring calibration throughout the life cycle of the sensor, and detects flammable gases without the risk of poisoning or false alarms, thereby having a significant saving on total cost of ownership and reduce interaction with units, ultimately providing peace of mind and less risk for operators.

The Summit allowed us to understand the current state of the hydrogen market, including key players and current projects, allowing for potential developed a greater understanding of our product needs in order to play a major role in the future of hydrogen gas detection.

We look forward to attending next year!