Crowcon - Detecting Gas Saving Lives
24 February 2022
Make your business safer without compromising budgets

Unless your business has very few employees, all of whom work on site, you have probably experienced challenges when it comes to tracking, logging, aggregating and using the data from portable gas detectors. Until recently, this was a widespread problem.

The advent of connected safety, however, has transformed the situation – and for organisations that detect gas hazards, connected gas safety applications (like our own Crowcon Connect) can give you automated compliance records and risk management information, a 24/7 overview of both historic and current training needs and device use, as well as lots of gas safety insights that can be used (for example, with predictive analytics) to make your internal processes and business operations more efficient and effective.

Connected safety solutions can also help you to reduce costs and get better value for the money you do spend.

We’ve already published a couple of posts about aspects of connected safety: you can read them here and here. In this post we’ll look at the ways a connected safety solution and gas safety insights can make your business safer (in terms of both secure business data and better gas safety protocols) without the need for large investments.

What is a connected gas safety solution?

We have defined this term in an earlier post but in a nutshell, a connected safety application links all of your portable devices to a cloud-based software application, which downloads all of the data from each device and presents it to you in a flexible and user-friendly way.

A key advantage is that the connected safety app can aggregate your data both for single instances and over time, which means you get the top quality data you need to make optimal, cost effective, decisions – all in a user-friendly, intuitive format.

For example, Crowcon Connect uploads all data from portable gas detectors when they are docked at the end of a work session (this can be done via a fixed docking point and/or via Bluetooth when the device is charged). It then presents the information (whichever element(s) and from whichever perspective you choose) on a dashboard.

You can see this in action in our interactive online demo.

How does connected safety make my organisation safer?

A connected safety solution safeguards your organisation in two primary ways. Firstly, it gives you proof that your gas protection protocols are being used correctly and that you are complying with all relevant regulations. Secondly, it stores your gas detection data securely and maintains the integrity of that data.

That final point is important because the quality of the data you collect and analyse is imperative. Only top quality (current, accurate and correctly aggregated) data can be used to prove compliance, and with the analysis required to improve operational efficiency and productivity.

You are probably familiar with the need to store data securely – data protection has been a topic of debate and legislation for years now – but you may be less familiar with the extent to which data can be corrupted when it is read, stored, transmitted or processed, unless the correct safeguards are in place.

That’s why we have integrated multiple layers of security, corruption prevention, data backup and testing protocols into our Crowcon Connect product; for more detail, please read our IT security FAQs, which are here.

What is more, by sending your data to the cloud (and it can be hosted on your own private cloud, or link to your existing reporting tools using a bespoke API solution, if you prefer,), you may be able to make substantial savings on storage costs while finding it much easier (and less expensive in terms of time and human resource) to get the most value from your data (which may yield further cost savings). Being on the cloud also ensures that updates to the portal happen immediately and automatically when richer insights and more features are released s you always get the best experience possible.

Crowcon Connect improves organisational and practical safety

By using a cloud data system such as Crowcon Connect, you can use your gas safety insights and employee information to monitor compliance (both regulatory and with internal protocols) and to spot gaps in knowledge and training. You can then fix these – for example, by refreshing safety training, developing bespoke programs or discussing issues with staff – which may prevent catastrophe and save lives.

With the bird’s eye view that Crowcon Connect provides, you can clearly see if your detectors are ready to go and being used properly. You can also spot patterns of alarm events or gas exposure, and act to remedy these before they cause major issues.

Cloud data storage and processing lets you review data logs in a timely manner, assess measurements and response times and implement data-backed training and protocols. This can transform your operations and greatly improve safety.

To find out more about Crowcon Connect and cloud storage, please have a look at our white paper on the subject, which you can access by clicking here.

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